Lots of new guinea pig owners had no idea that you could adopt a guinea pig. As a guinea pig lover I'd like to introduce my readers to this possibility.
March is the official ASPCA adopt a guinea pig month. I like to think that any month is a good month to adopt one of these adorable, cuddly pets. You would be doing both yourself and them a favor by considering this option.
Every year many of these pets are brought to animal shelters and rescue organizations. You probably had no idea. These animals were not given up because they were problem pets. Their owners just couldn't care for them properly and had the decency to place them where they had a chance to find a loving home through an agency.
There are many advantages to adopting a guinea pig through an agency or organization.
You can be sure to get a healthy pet. The rescue organizations and animal shelters are staffed with knowledgeable individuals that make sure each guinea pig is healthy and thriving before they are adopted.
They are able answer all your questions and help you get started in the right direction.
The pet handlers with the organization will be familiar with their individual personalities and will help you choose one that will make you a great pet.
It's not common knowledge that the influx of guinea pigs into shelters has increased every year. This presents a problem for the organizations and an opportunity for you. It's a win, win situation for all parties when they are able to place one (or two) of these wonderful pets in a good home.
Not to change the subject but as a side note guinea pigs make better pets when they have company. Consider adopting two. It isn't really any more work caring for two than it is for one and they will be much happier.
Before heading out to one of your local pet stores to purchase your new pet why not check around in your area for the possibility of adopting one. It's a worthwhile alternative to a pet shop. I'm sure your piggy will be glad you did.
Check with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for the possibility of adopting a guinea pig. They should be able to help you one way or the other. Also try the Internet for adoption resources. Use a Google search query "adopt a guinea pig sources". One of the first links that come up will have guinea pigs for adoption.
Brian M Parker has raised guinea pigs from his childhood. These wonderful creatures provide a lot of pleasure if you take the time to learn how to properly care for a happy healthy pet. Brian owns and maintains the "Happy Healthy Guinea Pig Information", website GuineaPigInformation.net. You can visit his site for a free mini-course on guinea pig information. Read more of Brian's Articles Here.