Before you rush out to shop for a pet you should take into account a number of factors. You need to decide on what type of pet you are looking for. Are you looking for a companion or a decoration? By decoration I am talking about a fish or something of that nature. If you are interested in an exotic pet you can look into birds, spiders, reptiles, etc. Dogs need and deserve quite a bit of time and are a big commitment. If you are looking for an animal that is still cute and cuddly, but demands less maintenance you should consider a hamster, guinea pig, or rabbit.
Before getting your pet think, about the reason you want a pet and whether or not it is fair to you and the animal. For example, don't get a big dog if you aren't going to be able to take care of it at its maximum size.
You want to find a pet that matches your lifestyle. Do you stay up late or are you a day person? Do you work long hours? Some pets get lonely while others are not bothered one bit. Do you have a yard? How much space do you have available for your pet? Is this the right time in your life for a pet? If not, put of getting an animal until you are ready.
Read articles and really research the animal you want. Often times you will come across a nuance or need that the animal requires that you are not able to provide for. Talk to people who currently own or previously owned the animal you are interested in. This doesn't mean drive out to a breeder, ready to buy one of their pets after you ask them questions about the animal. Why? Because most likely either they will downplay a major condition or you will downplay what they say because you are so drawn to the animal at the time. With a likely end result of you buying a pet that you aren't completely happy with.
Consider how much money you can afford to spend on your pet. Purina estimates cost of a cat are around $500 for the first year and a dog is even more. Also, if you live in an apartment you need to factor in apartment fees, animal deposits, animal restrictions (certain dog breeds are aggressive and not allowed and some complexes don't allow pets at all).
Travis has been writing articles online for a couple years now. Not only does this author specialize in pet care, you can also check out his latest website on heated dog house which reviews and lists the best heated dog house to guarantee pets optimal comfort year-round