According to the most current statistics, more than eight million dogs and cats are dropped off to the 5,000 animal shelters in the United States each year. Over half of these will be euthanized, so when you decide to adopt a dog rather than buy one from a pet store or breeder, you've done a wonderful humanitarian effort.
Because people generally have no knowledge of these animals pasts, choosing and caring for an adopted dog can be difficult. To help with this process we've compiled this list of 4 important items to consider when adopting a dog from a shelter to insure as many lives are spared as possible as well as keeping your new relationship turbulence-free:
1. If possible, consider adopting an older animal rather than a younger one. Older dogs are much less likely to be adopted and almost always face a grim fate when picked up at a shelter. Amazingly enough, they also tend to make the best pets, allowing owners to skip over the teething and tearing of puppies. These animals are nearly always trained to one degree or another- an added bonus to a new dog owner who doesn't want unpleasant messes in the house.
2. Choose a breed that matches your lifestyle. Are you a jogger or runner? Consider a breed that likes to run, too, such as a greyhound or whippet. Are you an outdoorsman or hunter? Sporting breeds abound at animal shelters, quite often turning out to be diamonds in the rough. Many experienced hunter has found that the older pointer mix that the family picked out for a pet turned out to be better in the field than his dedicated bird dog. If you're a sedentary, quiet sort seek out an armchair breed such as a pug, a Chihuahua, or a poodle. They make fabulous pets and will be content to monitor the house and sit at your side.
3. Be attentive to the animals past. Has the animal been abused? Is it good with children? Does the dog get insecure if it doesn't have it's special toy? These are all notes that should be on record with the shelter. The staff of this type of facility is always helpful and become familiar with their dogs behavior quickly. After they've spent just a few days with a dog, they can accurately assess the dog's personality and pinpoint any quirks. Read all the information they provide for your new dog before you decide to bring him home.
4. Lastly, look out for your new dogs care. If you've followed our advice, you've chosen an older dog who has some special needs. Is he overweight? Perhaps he needs a little less food and a little more exercise. Does he have arthritis? Velvet antler in his food bowl is just the thing to ease the pain of aching bones from dog arthritis.
If you follow these four simple steps, you'll not only be saving the life of a beautiful animal, you'll be entering into a new friendship. Thank you for choosing to adopt- with more responsible pet owners like you as an example, we all have a chance at a better world!
Larry Strawson is a concerned dog owner and webmaster of []