
2012年10月21日 星期日

Solving the Homeless Pet Problem Through Pet Adoption

If you love animals nothing turns your heart more than seeing a homeless pet which someone has abandoned to fend for itself. Some thoughtless individual has given no thought to how the pet will survive. And in fact most pets left by the side of the road, dumped in an alley or just casually left on a busy street corner will not survive more than a few days unless picked up by a kind stranger and given the care and love they so richly deserve. What are some other alternatives that people can take beside the disgusting and criminal act of abandoning an unwanted pet?

One of the first ways to solve the problem of homeless pets would be if each person who was thinking of getting a pet gave some thought to what will be involved in caring for that particular animal. That cute little puppy will grow up and become a full sized dog. Sometimes a very big dog. Is there plenty of room for the dog to exercise in? What is the general temperament of that breed of dog? If children live in the house will the dog fit in well with the kids? Whatever pet you are thinking of acquiring some basic thought needs to be taken and questions answered before you take the plunge and get a pet.

Another way to solve the homeless pet problem is to consider pet adoption from your local animal shelter. Many of these shelters are over run with unwanted pets and many offer free pet adoptions to qualified individuals. These animals in all probability will have already been spayed or neutered so you will not have to worry about adding to the homeless pet problem. Sometimes there is a small fee involved in adopting an animal. For this you can be confident that you are getting a healthy pet to take home and doing a good deed besides. If there is no money involved in your pet adoption consider giving a small donation to your local animal shelter. Many of them rely entirely on donations from caring individuals and any amount no matter how small will be greatly appreciated.

Most of us at one time or another will run across and abandoned animal. Please act compassionately if you happen to come across a homeless pet. Take it to the nearest animal shelter. If you are not sure if one is located in you are you can always contact the Humane Society and they can put you in touch with someone who can help. We will be judged someday by the way we treat the animals of the world. Do you part in providing a safe and happy environment for the animals that cross paths with you in your life and you will be greatly rewarded.

Please do your part to rid the world of homeless pets.

We are held accountable for how we treat the smallest of creatures. Do your part to solve the problem of the homeless pet population.

