More than 71 million U.S. households (Wikipedia) have at least one pet, and most of us feel the same way about our furry (and some not so furry) friends. No question, they're part of the family. And like any member of our family, we want to tell family and friends about not only their arrival, but all their antics, accomplishments and maddening things that are just plain irresistible to share. Pet announcements or pet ecards are a good way to share this news with family and friends.
So what goes into such an announcement? If it's a newly adopted pet, be sure to include:
The type of pet - cat, dog, parakeet, etc. - and the breed. If it's a mixed breed, it's more than OK to say something like "lovable mutt".
Your pet's name and, if there's space on your announcement, why you chose that particular name. There are often many stories behind a pet's name. If you have one, share it.
The date you adopted your pet and if it came from a shelter, the name of the shelter. It always helps our other four-legged friends to get noticed. If it's an online announcement, include a link to the shelter.
What made you fall in love with this particular cat, dog, bird etc? With the many cats and dogs available for adoption, what was it about this particular one, that made you fall in love and select him or her?
Any other special tidbits family and friends like to hear; for example, how did it behave when you first brought it home? How did family members behave? What were the new things you discovered about its personality once it felt at home, etc?
And of course, pictures. Everyone loves pictures of new pets so include plenty and a video, if possible.
If it's not a newly adopted pet, but just something irresistible to share - such as a new haircut, your dog's first snow, or your pet just simply caught in the act of being cute or naughty, you don't need to include a lot of information if you have the right pictures or video. Remember our first pictures of Bo, the Obama family dog? All we wanted to do was see the dog in action.
Once you've decided what you want to include in your announcement, there are three ways for actually creating and sending your pet announcement. One is to order a photo pet announcement from printing and photo sharing websites. They often have templates for you to customize your pet announcement and upload photos. The turnaround at most sites is good and you should be able to mail your printed pet announcement within 10 days.
A second way is to use a template from free template sites such as Microsoft. These sites do not have pet announcements per se but you can customize a baby or other announcement template for your pet announcement that you can then mail to family and friends.
A third way is to use a free online announcement or pet ecard site that enables you to create your pet announcement. Look for one that enables you to upload photos and videos and include links (so you can promote your shelter), and, if possible, provides a place for visitor comments so others can join in the fun.
People are endlessly charmed and amused by our pets. No matter what mood we're in, a cute or funny pet story can transform a mood. So share your stories with family and friends through a pet announcement. They will be glad you did.
Patricia Oaklief is a co-owner of, a website for free pet ecards or pet announcements as well as free announcements for engagements, weddings, babies, graduations, anniversaries, birthdays, businesses and promotions, and many other milestones or celebrations. Create your free amigram pet announcement today. It's free, fun, green and a good way to promote pet adoption. Visit today.