
2012年7月14日 星期六

Adopting Pet Ferrets

Do you have ferrets on the mind? Do you think that having one of these furry critters in your house would benefit you or your family? Well you're probably right, so what are you going to do? Will you go to the pet store and pick one out? Or will you take the road less traveled and adopt a cute little ferret? Luckily there are several out there that need a home, and you could be just the person to give it to them.

There are some states that do not allow people to keep ferrets as pets. Make sure that you do not live in such a state before you start preparing your home. If you do live in a state that prohibits ferrets then you will probably not find any in pet stores anyway. Chances are though, that you are allowed to keep them because there are not many states that have outlawed ferrets. You may need a special license in some cases though.

Your ferret will need a place to sleep, so head out and buy a cage. You are going to want to get it set up as soon as possible because many cages are multi-tiered, and of course might take more than a few minutes to actually set up. You need toys, you need food, and above all you need to make sure that your ferret is entertained.

Are you ready to go on a ferret hunt? If so, then find animal rescue shelters! How do you find them? You look in the directory or you ask someone that knows. In this case the people that know would probably be the workers at the pet store. If they do not know, then you will need to check the phone book a few times. You should also consider the Internet. It has been a wealth of information for many years, and if you are looking for animal rescue shelters in your area, then you should not be disappointed at all.

The Internet works for this purpose, but that doesn't mean you don't need to be careful. In fact you need to be more careful than usual! You need to ask about the ferret's history, where it has been, what it has done. You need to know about any medical conditions that it might have. Even have it examined by a veterinarian if you can.

While they are different, they can certainly grow on you. Sure they're a bit difficult to train, but those who can deal with that difficulty will find that they form a bond with their ferret that can last for many years. If this sounds appealing to you, then go forth and find your ferret.

Jack L. Stone is an animal lover and a ferret enthusiast. He maintains a website [http://www.ferretfriendly.com/] dedicated to pet ferret keeping. For even more advice on finding ferrets via ferret rescue [http://www.ferretfriendly.com/finding-ferrets-for-adoption/] visit his website.

