
2012年10月22日 星期一

Do You Want to Adopt a Ferret?

Friendly. Sweet. Loving. Playful. How about adventurous? Talk to any ferret owner and that is how they describe their pet. And because of this, you may have decided to adopt a ferret based on these characteristics. You are definitely on the right track when you are looking for all those great qualities in this lovable little pet. The next thing to think about is where will you find your new fuzzy little family member.

Considering adopting from a shelter? No doubt your intentions are good. And in a lot of ways it is a wise move. Rescue a ferret who has already had a home previously. The staff at the shelter will also be honest in revealing everything about your potential new pet. They want nothing more than to see it gain a lifelong home. There are usually lots of choices in ferret color and age, especially in larger shelters.

But beware, this adoption choice is not appropriate for everybody. Keep in mind that not every ferret there at the shelter is there just due to lack of space in the previous owner's house or lack of money to buy food. Some of these little fuzzy creatures may have been abused or neglected and might need special care and lots of extra patience. They may also be afraid of humans, with good reason. Not only will you need to get the ferret adjusted to your household, but you will also have to assure them that they are safe, cared for and will be harmed there. Many of these adorable pets will have some health problems, such as daily medications or special diets. If you are positive that you have the time and energy necessary to take care of them, then that would be one lucky little ferret.

With that being said, you will still be able to adopt a ferret from a shelter that has not been neglected or abused. You will just need ask all the right questions, to get the information needed to make your best choice. Adopting from a shelter is a 'transparent" transaction. This means that the staff who work in and maintain the shelter are doing it because they are there for the true love of animals, not the money. If fact, the money is usually considered a necessary evil to keep the establishment up and running. The shelter is created purely for placing animals in good homes.

Pet stores are very popular for first time owners, if for no other reason, they do not know where else to look. If you choose to go to a pet store, be sure to get health guarantee. Also be sure to check out your local classified ads, this is a great option. Again, you will be contributing to the ferret cause by adopting a ferret who may otherwise be in danger of losing his home through no fault of his own. But do not limit yourself to just classified ads in the local papers. Check out the bulletin boards at your local veterinary clinics or even at pet stores.

Keep in mind that most ferrets adopted in this manner are older. Although, when adopting the ferret from the previous owner, they give you information about the ferrets health as well as his personality! Often, not only will you get a cute playful ferret, but you will usually get a bunch of supplies, toys and maybe even a home for the fuzzy!

Maria is a ferret enthusiast. For more information on adopt a ferret, visit http://www.howtotakecareofferret.com

