
2012年8月15日 星期三

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Made By New Pet Owners

When a new pet adoption doesn't seem to be working out, it could be due to any, or all, of the following five reasons:

1. Taking things personally. A lot of new pet owners tend to think their new cat or dog doesn't like them if they don't immediately start purring or wagging their tails, even on their first day in a new home. Some pets have a personality that endears them to people, but others take a little longer to become comfortable enough to relax. Not everyone gives their heart on a first date, pets included. Since we're supposed to be smarter than animals, it's up to us to provide gentle understanding and patience while our new pet learns the ropes in his new home.

2. Blaming a pet for bad behavior. Before you blame anything on your pet, be 100% sure she doesn't have a health problem. Some things are obviously related to the pet's health, such as limping, bleeding, losing weight, diarrhea, sores, hair loss, and signs they may be in pain. However, behavior issues may be regarded mistakenly as only that...behavior problems...when in fact, they may be medically related. Cats who urinate in corners, on carpets or furniture, for example, may simply be unable to get to the litter box in time. Or perhaps the litter box makes them remember the pain they felt there many times before. This is common with urinary tract infections. Don't blame the cat (or dog) for being "naughty." Take her to the vet first, then consult with a behaviorist or trainer if necessary.

3. Believing that bad behavior is a form of revenge. Animals don't have human emotions, and therefore, revenge just isn't in their vocabulary, so to speak. This is not to say that our pets do not have feelings... they do...but they are species-related feelings. Some of those are similar to what we experience, such as fear, contentment, jealousy, anger, and as most dog owners know, embarrassment. It isn't clear whether cats feel that one. But our pets don't lie awake nights devising plots to get even with us over insults or social slights. They're animals. Forgiveness is automatic.

4. Not going to the veterinarian soon enough for problems. Surely, cost is a huge barrier for many pet owners. It is increasingly difficult to support ourselves and our families, let alone any pets. Often, health insurance can help with our own family medical needs, but pet insurance is a somewhat new industry and isn't well utilized yet. Again, there's that cost factor, and a lot of pets are euthanized instead of treated for health problems because it's cheaper. Sadly, however, many pets also die at home because their owners either did not recognize the problem soon enough, or simply could not afford vet care. This is especially true with cats because they do not show pain unless it's severe. It's part of their ancestral wild makeup as a survival tactic.

5. Believing that refusing certain foods is just being picky. Dogs eagerly eat just about anything we offer them, whereas cats are often characterized as "picky." If we look at the evolution of dogs and cats, moving from the wild and into our homes, we have to give consideration to their stark differences. Dogs are pack animals and in the wild, rely on the pack leader to decide who gets to eat and in what order. By the time those of lowest status get to eat, there is not much left and the quality is low. For survival, those dogs must eat quickly, without regard to flavor or appeal. Pet dogs still have that instinctual willingness to gulp down any old thing.

In contrast, cats in the wild are solitary, hunting for themselves, as a rule, except for females with young, and lions, the only cats that form groups. Domestic cats, then, are more discriminating, because their wild counterparts are, and because the cats' diet is more specific. Dogs can survive on a wider variety of foods, but cats are obligate carnivores, eating only meat. In most homes, they are forced to eat grains. They do so to survive, but pet food companies have learned to put meat-flavored additives into the formula to trick cats into wanting it. If cats eat too much of this, health problems are more likely to occur.

As for table scraps, well, everyone knows how bad that can be. There's nothing wrong with sharing an occasional scrap of meat from a good roast, but pizza is not on the "good" list.

Observing the above five areas of concern will go a long way toward building a long-lasting and satisfying relationship with your new pet. For more detailed discussion of these and other points, visit http://www.theproblemcat.com/faq.html or http://www.theproblemcat.com/makecatsadoreyou.html.

