
2012年8月14日 星期二

Guide to Adopting a Dog From an Animal Shelter

Visiting animal shelters is a fantastic way to find and adopt a new four-legged family member. Many shelters are overflowing with animals. Sadly, due to space limitations, some facilities are forced to euthanize them. By adopting a canine from one of these shelters, you'll not only save him from a terrible fate, but you'll create a bond that lasts a lifetime.

Having said that, there are a few precautions you'll need to take in order to avoid opening your home to a problem pet. Below, we'll give you a quick list of questions to ask before signing the adoption papers. We'll also provide useful tips for preparing your home and establishing the rules.

Questions To Ask Before Adoption

When you're looking into the longing eyes of a shelter dog, it's hard to resist adopting him on the spot. Set your emotions aside and conduct a little due diligence. Ask a few questions. Your decision can affect your life for years.

First, ask the facility's employees where a particular pooch came from. If he was previously owned by someone who became unable to care for him due to medical issues or relocation, that may suggest good behavior and socialization. On the other hand, if a pup came from a puppy mill, he's likely to have health or psychological issues.

Second, ask whether problem behaviors exist. If a previous owner abandoned his or her canine at the facility, the reason may be due to problematic tendencies. For example, the dog may bark incessantly, show aggression toward people, or display destructive habits. Some problems can be modified with training (and plenty of patience). Other behaviors may be more difficult to curb.

Third, ask about vaccinations, exposure to disease, and preventative steps that have been taken at the shelter to ensure the health of the dog you're thinking about adopting. If you decide to adopt him, take him to your veterinarian for a full examination.

Preparing Your Home

You should buy several supplies prior to introducing your new dog to your home. Plan to have identification tags made. A collar, leash, and a training harness are also valuable to have upfront. Invest in your canine's bedding, water bowl, and a few toys to help him become acclimated to his new environment.

It's also a good idea to buy a crate for him once you decide to adopt him (again, prior to bringing him home). That way, he'll be familiar with his crate from the outset and less likely to put up resistance.

Establishing The House Rules

Canines thrive on repetition and predictable activities. Before bringing your new family member home, create a schedule that includes feeding times, walks, and the people within your household who are responsible for providing both. You should also designate specific areas where your pooch will eat his meals, sleep, and relieve himself.

Decide in advance whether your dog is allowed to rest on your furniture. If you decide against it, be willing to consistently enforce that rule.

Adopting a dog from an animal shelter can mark the beginning of a long friendship of love and loyalty. Do your research upfront, prepare your home, and establish the house rules in advance. Your pooch will quickly find his place as a new member of your family.

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